Environment Strategy: Initial Monitoring Framework

Last updated: 17 January 2025

The Environment Strategy for Scotland sets out our long-term vision for Scotland’s environment and our role in tackling the global climate and nature crises. The vision is accompanied by six supporting outcomes. These describe our goals for restoring nature, tackling climate change and using resources sustainably; and the benefits this will create for Scotland’s economy, society and global citizenship.

To monitor progress towards achieving these outcomes we have developed a set of high-level, data-driven indicators, which together form the Environment Strategy Initial Monitoring Framework. This website reports on the status of these indicators and the progress towards these outcomes, and signposts to where more detailed monitoring and evaluation information can be found.

Monitoring Framework Overview

In developing the Environment Strategy Initial Monitoring Framework, we have chosen a set of high-level indicators that provide a strategic and accessible overview of progress towards each outcome. The initial set of indicators are shown in the graphic below. Additional indicators will be explored as the Monitoring Framework is further developed.

Wheel graphic with the indicator names and Key labels

Website Navigation

This website sets out the following information:

  • Dashboard: This dashboard summarizes the status of each indicator.

  • Environment Strategy Overview: This page explains the purpose of the Environment Strategy and summarises its guiding vision and outcomes.

  • Environment Outcomes Hub: This hub page summarises the Initial Monitoring Framework and links to the outcome pages, where the indicator performance is described.

  • Technical Information Hub: This hub page links to the technical information pages for each of the six outcomes, where detailed information about the indicators and underlying data sources are presented, and sources of more detailed monitoring information are signposted.

  • Data Source: From this page a summary of the data for all indicators included in the Monitoring Framework is available for download.

  • Quick Navigation: This drop down list will allow you to directly access each of the outcomes of your interest.